December News!
Happy Holidays friends and neighbors!
This month we started production on a video for the song 'Bagtown.' It's being directed by the incredible Mike Wellins. His work includes comic books, animation (The Power Puff Girls, Frosted Mini-Wheats commercials,) and the creation of Portland's Peculiarium. The video will feature the band, as well as artwork by our son Malcolm Smith and 15-year-old Jasper Thun. As you can see by the photo below, it's been a fun way to stave off the winter blues. Look, it's already Thanksgiving, which means we're that much closer to summer!
If you live in Reno, Nevada, we'll be appearing on Dec. 9th at the Silver Legacy Casino as part of Lost 80's Live. That happens to be John Lennon's birthday (He would have been 76!!!) Sorry, we won't be pulling out any Beatles songs; just the hits, man, just the hits.
Meanwhile, Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) is devoting an entire "Art Beat" show to Nu Shooz. That airs on Dec. 15th at 8 PM (Pacific), so save the date.
And one final thought. Wherever you fall on the political spectrum, red, blue, purple, or green, remember to be kind to each other. Our world needs us all to take the high road in the days to come.
Be well, and drive safe!
Nu Shooz